Fun Games for the Mid-Term Break

Fun Games for the midterm break

Only a few more days of school and then my girls will be off for a week. Although this puts extra pressure on me as I mind them and run my business, I’d choose it any day over rushed mornings, packed lunches and homework, so I’m counting down the days. This mid-term is different for a lot of schools. Some choose to take the full week off, while others only have 2 days. I’m so thankful that ours is a full week. I feel we all really need it.

Unlike the summer holidays, when my girls spend a lot of time out on the road playing with their friends or the Christmas holidays, when there are so many family events to go to, the February mid-term can have long days with little scheduled. I’m not sure what that means in your house, whether it means a trip to the book shop to buy a new book or a visit to the cinema. These trips can add up and make mid-term an expensive week. Although the toys I’m about to show you will cost money, I believe that they will be worth every cent as they can be played with over and over (and not just during midterm but in the evenings and at weekends) and they can involve the whole family or just the children. Here’s ten, that I’m happy to recommend.

  1. The Recycling Game

Garbage classification game

The Recycling Game is a fun game for 1-4 players where you learn what bin items of rubbish need to go into.

2. The Yes/No Game

The Yes No Game

Try to answer rapid fire questions without saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. It’s harder than you think! This game provides cards with lots of questions and a bell to ding when your opponent says the prohibited words.

3. Dogman – Attack of the Fleas

The Dogman Board Game - Attack of the Fleas

This board game has characters and scenarios based from the Dogman books. It’s a race around the board kind of game and is great fun to play. You can buy the Dogman Board Game here.

4. Charades for Kids

Charades for Kids

Charades is fun no matter what age but this version is suitable for children aged 4+ as the objects and actions that are to be acted out are in visual form as well as written form. They are objects/actions your child will know like a cat or tying a shoelace. This is a fun game for the whole family. Don’t Say It is a similar and equally as fun game too.

5. Djeco – 4 Seasons Lotto

Djeco 4 Seasons Lotto Game

This is another game for pre-school aged children up to about 6 years old. Every child is given a board with 4 items illustrated on it. 16 little discs are placed upside down and the children take turns turning them over and seeing if they match the pictures on their board. The first person to get all four discs from their board is the winner.

6.9 in 1 Wooden Games Set

9 in 1 Games Collection

This box doesn’t just have one game but it has everything you need to play 9 different games! Some are as traditional as Ludo, while others are card games and games of skill. There’s weeks of fun to be found in this box of games.

7. Where’s Wally Card Game

Where's Wally Memory Card Game

This is a memory card game and it’s easy enough for children as young as 3 to get and play. Buy the Where’s Wally Card Game here.

8.  Sudoku

Wooden Sudoku Board Game from Small Foot Design Toys. Wood sourced sustainably

Not all games need several players to play. This game of sudoku is for one person at a time. It’s designed for children and adults aged 6+ 

9. Chinese Checkers

Wooden Chinese Checkers Board Game from Small Foot Design Toys

Chinese Checkers is a game of strategy where you need to move your pegs across the board to their new home before anyone else. Up to six people can play it at the same time and it’s recommended for children aged 6+. This is a beautiful wooden version that you’ll have for life.

10. Perudo


Perudo is a fun bluffing game for older children and adults. Buy it here.

I hope you have found some inspiration here on what to do on a rainy mid-term day. If not, feel free to follow me on Instagram stories and you’ll see what myself and my girls are playing or maybe you’d like to view my full range of games, as I’m sure I have something to suit everyone! 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you do purchase a game from me and you are active on Instagram. Please tag me so I can see how you are getting along, or review the game on my website, so others can be inspired by you.

Have a wonderful mid-term,

xx Suzie

PS. If you liked this blog but you find that games only cause fights in your house, it might be worth investing in some cooperation games where everyone gets to play on the same team. Here’s some a blog with some cooperation games that I stock.

PPS. Or, if you are particularly interested in Board Games, you might like this blog with 10 unique board games that the whole family will enjoy playing.



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