Early in the year, my website was a finalist for the Micro Business Awards in the ‘Best e-commerce website’ category.
Just before that, I was nominated and a finalist in the Mums and Tots Magazine Awards, in the category ‘Best Mumpreneur’ category
And this week, I’ve been notified that I’ve been longlisted in the ‘V for Very Blog Awards’ (Blog Awards Ireland) in the Corporate Section. I’m not expecting to win, but I’m happy that my hard work is being recognised.
Thanks for all your support, help, nominations and votes.
xx Suzie
PS. Just a quick update to let you know that I received a Silver Award in the V for Very Blog Awards Ireland.
PPS. in 2020, Toys and Games Ireland was awarded the Online Toy Store of the Year Award in the Prestige Awards.
For more recent awards, check out this blog post showing how my little business won the Independent Toy Store of the Year 21/22