Musical Instruments and Toys for Young Children

Musical Instruments and Toys for Young Children
Music is important for all ages and it’s never too early to introduce musical instruments and toys to children. I thought I’d spend a few minutes highlighting some of the benefits of music for children and then giving examples of some musical instruments for young children and also some toys that play music that young children can enjoy.

The benefits of music for children include:

  • It can calm and sooth babies and children
  • It can be a tool to engage with children and distract them
  • It enhances brain development and language skills.
  • It improves motor skills (fine and gross, depending on the instrument)
  • It encourages self-expression
  • It is fun!


The great thing about musical instruments for young children is that they are generally inexpensive in comparison to pianos, violins etc. So, here’s some that I stock…

  1. Wooden Animal Castanets

Animal Castanets wooden musical instruments for children

Your child may not master clicking these until they are around 2 years old but will enjoy the noise and watching the action that produces it, if you do it for them. These wooden castanets make a beautiful dull clacking sound. Older toddlers will love clicking them and dancing to the rhythm they are making.

2. A Rainmaker

Wooden Rainmaker Rattle

This is another beautiful wooden instrument that is mesmerising to watch and to listen to.

3. A Xylophone

The wooden xylophone above comes with a song book that teaches your child how to play some simple nursery rhymes and songs.

Janod Sweet Cocoon Xylo Roller

Check out this pull along xylophone 

4. Egg Shakers

Wooden Egg Shaker

These wooden Egg Shakers come in four colours and are easy for small and big hands to manage.

5. Jingle Sticks

There are 10 bells attached to each wooden handle. When shaken it gives a chiming noise.

If listening to music is more of your child’s style, they might enjoy one of the following musical toys:

6. A Clockwork Radio

Musical Radio

This retro looking tin radio just needs to be wound up and it will play ‘How much is that doggy in the window’. To add to the effect, the little window in the toy shows dogs moving. Super cute!

7. Space Rocket Musical Toy

Janod Musical Wooden Rocket

I have several gorgeous musical boxes. This wooden rocket plays the tune Twinkle Twinkle. It’s clockwork, so you just twist the top and it rotates slowly back while playing the tune. Some of my other musical boxes include a wooden Ocean one where the wooden shapes spin around as the music plays.

Ocean Musical Box

Xx Suzie


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