Affordable Toys for 3 year olds

Affordable Toys for 3 Year olds

Earlier this week, I received a facebook message from a mum who was looking for some present suggestions for her three and a half year old son. She is looking to spend less €15. Every little person is different and I don’t know this little boy. I don’t know whether he can sit still for 10 minutes or if he’d struggle with that. I don’t know if he prefers active play over craft time or whether he loves both equally. So, here are some suggestions that should cover quite a few of the different types of pre-school boys (hopefully!)

Three year olds have very active imaginations and if you can encourage it, you can free up loads of time for yourself as they enter into their own little world of play. These Wooden Kaleidoscope Cameras are within budget. They will have great fun looking through the lens and pretending to take pictures.

Wooden kaleidoscope camera


At this age, kids can’t tell the difference between education and fun and often they enjoy learning through play. Galt make some really nice activities for this age group, including the Felt Pictures and Words and the Reusable Sticker Calander.


Galt Reusable sticker calendar

Felt First Words

Body art can be a huge thing for children this age and if you don’t provide it for them, they can experiment with markers on themselves! I stock a large range of Djeco temporary tattoos which are dermatologically tested to be suitable for children’s skin. Here’s the links for the Space Glow in the Dark ones and the Unicorn ones.

Space Oddity Glow in the Dark Tattoos


Unicorn Tattoos

I love seeing children being in wonder at toys. These spinning tops are great to watch and by the time your child is 3 or 4 they should be able to do the pumping action to make them spin. I think these kinds of children would also love Glow in the Dark Stars for their bedroom

Spinning Top/Humming Top

Glow in the Dark Stars - Wonder Stars



If you are buying for another child that isn’t your own and you want to buy a jigsaw, maybe check first how many pieces the child can manage as three year olds can vary hugely when it comes to the number of pieces they can manage.  This set of four jigsaws has different amounts of pieces in each puzzle ranging from 12 to 24 pieces. I stock The Very Hungry Caterpillar and We are going on a Bear Hunt.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 4-in1 PUZZLES


Buying an outdoor toy will encourage outdoor play. A bug viewer or magnifying glass would suit this age group.


World's Best Bug Viewer Nature Toys

Wooden Handle Magnifying Glass


If the child likes arts and crafts I’d also recommend the Dinosaur Sticker Mosaics  or the Funny Faces Book. Water Magic books are also brilliant and can be used over and over.

Galt Funny Faces Sticker Book

Djeco Dinosaur Mosaics

Water Magic Reveal Pad - Farm


Little balls can be fun to chase after, squeeze, catch, throw and so much more. These velvet mood balls come with different expressions too.

Velvety Mood Balls
velvety mood balls

I hope my customer can find something from these suggestions that her little boy will love. Click on this link to see my full range of toys that suit children approx 3-5 years old as maybe you’ll find something else that suits your child better or perhaps you would prefer buy 3- 5 smaller toys from my pocket money range to fit your budget.

Have fun!

xx Suzie

PS. If you liked this blog, you might enjoy these similar blog posts with birthday present ideas for 2-year-olds too or 7 quiet activities for 3-year-olds.


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