So, here are 10 activities that I’ve enjoyed doing with my kids when they were this age and we were travelling or waiting in a restaurant for food.
This is a colouring book that’s different from other colouring books. Colour each page at a time and then pull it out to see the full long picture! Alternatively, if you have a rainy day in a holiday apartment, pull out the full poster and get the whole family busy. You can colour a section without bumping elbows with other people. If you are bringing colouring activities on holidays, don’t forget to pack some colours.
I also stock a Fantasy Pull Out Colouring Poster too, if Space isn’t your thing.
2. Are we there yet? Card Game
‘Are we there yet?’ is a fun card game for playing as you travel in a car or bus. It’s a bit like i-spy but it does all the hard thinking work and is specific on what you need to spot.
3. A Flying Disc
These silicone flying discs are made by Scrunch. They are really light weight and they can fold up so they can fit into small areas – perfect for bringing on holidays. They also fly really well. I stock a Dusty Rose (pink) one and a Duck Egg blue one.
4. A Kite
I feel like I harp on a lot about the pocket kites I stock, but that’s because they really deserve it. They are small, light and have no rods, so they are hard to break. They also fly so well (check out all the reviews they have on my page – it’s not just me that loves them!)
5. Return Ball
These tennis balls on an elastic tread attached to a wrist band are fab if there’s no other kids around to play with your child and they are wanting some outdoor time and a challenge. The aim is to throw the return ball to the ground and then catch it as it springs back. Once mastered using both hands, then try using your dominant hand and then your less dominant. I think you’ll find that everyone will want a go!
6. Eduludo Shapes
If you’re staying in Ireland this year, then plan for some wet spells, when playing outside isn’t an option. If your child loves solving puzzles and working out where shapes fit, then this Eduludo Shapes activity will be right up their street. It’s a children’s version of Tangrams where you have to figure out how to use the wooden shapes so that you complete the pictures shown on the cards.
7. Marbles
Not every travel game has to be for playing in a small area/on a table. Often it’s just something to entertain our children, while we try to have some down time ourselves. Marbles are perfect for this. They are small and easy to pack and they can be played indoors and outdoors on flat surfaces. It’s the kind of game that if you produced it when other kids are around, it would help break the ice and they might join in too. Hey presto – your child now has other kids to play with and you can rest even more! I stock a small net and a larger net.
8. The Matilda Card Game
The characters in this card game are based on the Roald Dahl book, Matilda. This is a fast moving game with the winner being the person who first gets rid of all their cards.
9. A compass
If you like going on hikes but your children are reluctant, get them some fun outdoor toys like a compass and they’ll be distracted from the walk by trying to follow a direction.
10. Pipolo
Pipolo is a bluffing card game that the whole family will enjoy playing in the evenings or on a wet holiday day.
I hope that helps you as you plan your break away with your seven or eight year old. If you are also travelling with younger children, take a look at my latest blogs:
Card Games you’ll want to play with your children,
Travel Activities for 3 and 4 year olds,
Travel Activities for 5 and 6 year olds and
Travel Activities for 9 and 10 year olds.
Have a lovely holiday,
xx Suzie