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Bunny’s Shoebox Journey – A Team Hope Book


9 in stock

This gorgeous rhyming book follows Bunny’s story of being selected by an Irish girl for a Team Hope Shoebox and arriving in Africa, where a little girl is just delighted to have a new little bunny. Bunny’s Shoebox Journey is a lovely story written by Rachel Browne and illustrated beautifully by Louise Dukes. A great way of teaching young Irish children to be generous.

All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the work of Team Hope.

Bunny’s Shoebox Journey

This gorgeous rhyming book follows Bunny’s story of being selected by an Irish girl for a Team Hope Shoebox and arriving in Africa, where a little girl is just delighted to have a new little bunny. Bunny’s Shoebox Journey is a lovely story written by Rachel Browne and illustrated beautifully by Louise Dukes. A great way of teaching young Irish children to be generous.

All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the work of Team Hope.

This is a book designed by pre-school and infant class children in mind, although the story is so lovely that older children will love it too.

If you are filling a shoebox this year and you need some help thinking of what to include for the WOW item, check out my blogs with lots of cool ideas that will fit into a shoebox! and ‘Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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